Was the information shared what I expected? Was it what I needed? Am I missing anything? Am I ready to begin? Am I clear on my roles and responsibilities? These are just a few questions new hires have when beginning a new position. Sometimes they are afraid to ask, but often times they need these questions answered to feel effective in their new position. For these reasons, the integration process for new hires is an essential step in the onboarding experience.
The integration process for new hires can take many forms. For some employees they are ready to jump right in and others need a little more support before they begin working within their respective position. As the HR professional or onboarding captain, it is up to you to ensure your onboarding program has room to ensure everyone's needs are met. The integration step is where new hires begin moving to their department or area within your organization and working with their team. Since you have already Informed them of the details of their job, now they are looking to you to make them feel comfortable and like one of the family.
Onboarding begins when you begin looking for the talent and it does not end until that employee is comfortably assured within their new position. Follow-ups and check-ins are mandatory steps to ensure your process was a success.

From Onboarding to Integration
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In order to maximize employee success you need to understand how to retain good talent the moment they walk into your door (literally or via digital means). The goal of all onboarding programs is to maximize employee success. The activities below provide an informal rubric to make this happen.
Your organization's culture sets the standard and the tone for how that employee engages with their work and others within your company. Culture has been found to be one of the most important aspects of an onboarding process and is offered overlooked. The activities below share ideas and best practices for how you should consider culture as the cornerstone of your onboarding experience.
Within the integration process you are preparing new hire's to engage their workplace with excitement and buy in. You want them to feel a part of the mission and understand the vision of your organization. Your goal is to create highly engaged and connected employees that will be vested in your organization at some level. At the completion of their onboarding process, new hires should feel ready to begin as a member of your work family.
Every New Employee Onboarding Program Should Have These Two Pieces (If You Want Highly Productive New Employees Fast)
Why Culture Integration is Essential During the Onboarding Process
Integrating New Employees to the Workplace
Onboarding Process Survey Questions Template
How Do You Measure the Value of a Great Onboarding Program?