We all know that assessments can help our learners to understand where they are at and what they have to learn, while also helping us as learning designers to assess whether our content aligns with our learning outcomes.
But how do we ensure our assessments are fit for purpose?
And what are the best practices when assessing learning interventions in order to achieve what we want to achieve?
For example, when we assess learners through quizzes and exams, do we know that they have learned, or is it that they can simply regurgitate information to be forgotten as soon as the assessment is over?
The answer is, it depends on how we develop our assessment activities.
In the first section in this learning path we look at summative assessment; assessment OF learning is the way in which we test our learners to check if they've learned what we've set out for them to learn.
The next section covers Assessment FOR learning, which is a useful tool to inform us as instructors and learning designers.
One of the most important elements (if not THE most important) is the use of feedback to involve your learners more in the learning process and see their path ahead.
The third section on Assessment AS learning discusses how, while often being used to measure learning, assessment can also be used as a tool for learning.
The key element of assessment as learning is the use of self-assessment by learners, providing them with opportunities to reflect on their own learning and make adjustments so that they achieve a deeper learning experience.
Finally, we look at some tips relating to the above as well as how we can look to be innovative in our approaches.
I am a Design Sprint Facilitator and advocate the use of techniques such as Design Thinking to help us as learning designers and developers to engage with new and innovative ways of delivering effective and engaging learning experiences!