4: Attend to Logistics
Logistics matter a great deal in designing and leading effective meetings. Too many meetings are derailed by lack of logistical planning.
This potentially boring but important element of meeting leadership includes asking yourself:
- What kind of room do we need?
- How do we want people seated? Conference table? Pods? No table? Standing?
- What technology do we need? Will people be attending virtually? If so, who is responsible for running the technology?
- Do we need flip charts? White boards? Post-it notes? Other meeting supplies?
- What kind of pre-work (if any) is expected from the participants? Do the participants know what is needed from them at the meeting?
- What is the best time of day for this meeting? What kind of participant energy will help this meeting succeed?
- Who is sending out the meeting invitation? Does the invite contain all the necessary information? Who is monitoring the invite responses?
Ava S. Butler
Planning is critical to successful meetings: use this checklist to help you prepare - Ava S. Butler