In today's highly-competitive business landscape, your customer experience strategy must be laser-focused on the things that matter most to your customers. Customer journey mapping is one of the master keys to that kingdom. When approached from the customer's perspective, your customer journey map becomes a powerful tool for identifying critical points in the customer journey. This creates opportunities to eliminate hidden pains and maintain loyal customers.

Customer Experience Journey Mapping
Each and every-time your customers interact with you they are registering every touchpoint. There are obvious areas that most businesses pay attention to, but what about those other touch-points that leave lasting impressions but are unknowingly overlooked. The following activities will clarify what touch-points are and how they are opportunities to leave lasting impressions.
Creating a positive interaction and environment for your customers seems like common sense, however, you would be surprised how many ways you could be overlooking your most essential asset (the customer). Many forward thinking businesses are committing to becoming customer-centric in order to meet the needs of customers around the world.
Your 'Customer Journey Map' is a tool that can be used to visualize your customer's experience and map each and every interaction they have with your company. All stakeholders should be present for this activity to participate and share, in order to close the gap between what everyone thinks is happening and what is actually being presented to the public. This is a strategic process that can drastically enhance your business practices.
Using Customer Journey Maps: Dirty Secrets and Wasted Opportunities
Your Journey Map is Incomplete without Competitors
Customer Journey Mapping: The Path to Loyal Customers
Using Customer Journey Maps to Improve Customer Experience
5 Customer Journey Mapping Mistakes that Lead You Nowhere
Customer Journey Mapping is Not One Size Fits All