The workplace is one environment where effective leadership is incredibly important. In this path you will learn that it can mean the difference between success or failure for the company. What makes a great leader? There isn't one simple answer to that question, as there's so much that goes into effective leadership.

What Makes Great Leaders Great?
An individual leader makes good things happen. In this section you’ll learn why leadership is the cornerstone of a high-performing business.
Learning how to be a more effective leader is within everyone’s grasp – whether you lead an entire company, multiple teams, or just one staff member. In this section you will learn a few of the qualities and traits of great leaders that you can learn and practice.
Are You Ready for Some Coaching? 4 Self-Coaching Questions
6 Things Aspiring Leaders Must Do To Be Mindful Of Themselves
4 Leadership Tips on Managing Risk without Being Recklessness
7 Simple Steps to Overcoming Being Overwhelmed
Introducing the Leadership Capital Index-Intersection of Human Capital and Investors
Being "Least Worst" Is Not Good Strategy, or Leadership
Got Meaning?
Turning Curiosity into Sustained Creativity: Seven Steps to Creation
Becoming an effective leader is not a one-time thing. It takes time to learn and practice leadership skills until they become a part of you. When practicing these leadership skills, you can become more effective at everything in life. There are opportunities to learn leadership skills all around you; take advantage of them and always keep working on yourself.