Attending a great training can leave you feeling inspired, motivated, and ready to dig in. Conversely, attending a poor training session can leave you feeling just the opposite. Sometimes poor training experiences can leave a sour taste in your mouth, but before you dismiss it all, consider this. It may simply be the instructor. Maybe it was the materials they used, the training technique they attempted, or maybe they are not aware of their material they way they thought they were.
Sharing feedback with instructors can be extremely helpful.
For one, people typically like to improve their performance. Also, the training session itself can greatly improve for the next group of learners.
This learning path provides guidelines and examples of educator/trainer feedback models and processes. Whether you are the observer or the instructor, the materials can assist in improving the overall experience for the other learners.
Evaluating instructor performance
Harvard Professor Tom DeLong says it's important for you to know "How Do People Experience You?" Figuring out how learners 'experienced' the trainer can come from watching cues from the audience, or from direct communication from the audience. Self-reflection is also an important part of the feedback process. Peers, learners, supervisors, and follow up data all provide a narrative for the instructor to improve their performance.
The training materials chosen for a training can have a great impact on learner's experiences. Instructors should evaluate their materials to ensure they will add to the instructional value of the training. The materials below offer a checklist to assist in helping insructors evaluate their materials.
How a trainer/educator delivers their content is typically what resonates with their learners. This section looks at the most effective delivery techniques for instructors to employ, and evaluators/observers to look at when evaluating an instructor's performance.