Content Curation Overview

You are a curator. We are all curators.
When you create a playlist of various artists and music, you are curating. Maybe you organized your music by genre. Maybe by feeling. Maybe by similar artists. Whatever unifying theme you considered when you chose each song is how you earned the esteemed title of 'Curator'. Whenever you organize resources to engage and educate an audience, you are curating. The way you organize them is specific to your point of view or perspective and can enhance how they come to understand the information. One way to look at curation is you are extending your understanding of a topic from your unique perspective to create an experience for the learner. Once you choose which topic you will discuss or present, the next step is to begin to organize the information around a central theme.
The short video below explains how content curation can be a powerful tactic in establishing yourself as a thought leader. But, just like the museum curator, the key to success centers on what you add to the presentation of that specific topic that helps deliver meaning to viewers.
Content curation is reverse engineering to a degree. You begin with the end in mind and find resources to help you deliver your message to your learners. All learning paths on Catcat's platform are curated from free online assets which are used to paint a picture and tell a story. This article, written by Catcat's Julia Huprich, suggests you use the ADCIE model to leverage existing content for instructional purposes. Each letter in the model is also detailed below.
This model (ADCIE) can guide your considerations as you begin to create your first curated learning path on catcat.
Here you will ask questions like "Who is the audience? What do they know and not know?"
Here you will ask questions like "What, exactly, does the content need to cover? What are the behavioral objectives?"
The goal of this step is to identify high-quality resources that, when organized together, create a cohesive instructional narrative.
Launch your course!
Here you will ask yourself "Is the content you curated favorable? Engaging? Relevant?"
Curating for Learning: An Easy(ish) Step-by-Step Guide