Most of us want something more or better than what we have now. Work is typically the #1 thing many Americans report they are not fulfilled with and wish they could change. You don't have to be one of them.
The secret to finding your dream job is simple. You should first decide what you want to do, then identify what skills you currently have for the job, and lastly clarify who you need to speak to in order to get it. That easy. Please share your stories with me about how easy it was for you to 'level up' in your career after you used the techniques shared below.
Happy Hunting!

The Secrets to Landing Your "Dream Job"
How good are you at what you do? Are you clear about what you do very well? What do you need help with in your current job position? These questions can serve as guides to help you determine what skills you need to go to the next level and what skills do you need to learn in order to grow in your career. Even if your current job is just a pit stop on your larger journey, you still want to get all that you can out of it while you are there.
Decide what your dream job is, or if you are really feeling creative, design it! Learn what it requires from you and begin doing some of the tasks right now in your position. You can use your current position to prepare you for your next position. Better pay? Check! More flexibility? Check! Work-Life Balance? Check! Everything you want can be yours much sooner than you think if you begin preparing for tomorrow, today.
Some say your network determines your net worth. Whether you believe that or not you can't deny the connection between who you know and what you have access to. I suggest you find a friend and go to events, fairs, and hang-out spots you know people that work the position you want are going to be. Be where they are. Meet them. You never know where their connections can take you.
These last 3 activities will prepare you for the final step, putting it all together. There is no barrier to your success, even if you don't feel you are qualified yet. Surprise yourself and take a risk. Remember, the worst thing anyone can say to your request is "No" and you can turn it into a learning moment by following up and asking what do you need to do for it to be a "Yes". You might as well try.