"When" are they Learning the Content?
From your list of learning goals, you can begin the process of mapping out your time frame.
Ask yourself:
Is there a particular sequence that these learning objectives should be presented?
Do they build upon each other?
Which of these objectives will take a long time to achieve? Which will be mastered more quickly?
Which objectives can be explored together?
The article below details how you can decide on course structure to support your learning goals and then map out the time required to successfully meet the needs of your learners.
Course Content & Schedule - Eberly Center - Carnegie Mellon University

It is useful to literally take a calendar and map out the learning objectives for each day. Make sure to also plan in buffer days. Your learners may need extra time in a place where you don’t expect it. You may realize that you need to reteach something. If you don’t end up needing the buffer day you can always use the time for review or a deeper exploration of content you have already addressed.