Can you remember sitting in a training or class and the instructor is all over the place? Conversely, can you imagine leading a training or class and you have no sense of direction, helplessly hoping something sticks? Enter Learning Objectives. Learning objectives serve as a guide for the instructor and learner, helping to focus and set priorities, providing a clear road map of the intentions of the learning experience, and detailing the values of the lesson or training.
Measurable learning objectives also provide a basis for analyzing the level of cognitive processing we expect from the learner in an effort to focus and organize the instruction. Measurable learning objectives also serve as a model for the students and instructor to measure whether or not they received the information as it was intended for them. For instance, if a learning objective specifies the learner will be able to identify something, it is very easy for them to self assess and gauge whether or not they are able to do that or not. It is also easy for the instructor to measure and qualify the learning outcomes.
This learning path is or instructors, trainers, leaders and learners who would like to understand how Measuable learning objectives are developed.

Developing Measurable Learning Objectives
Learning objectives clarify what the learner should achieve by the end of the instruction or training. You should set a general target for what you want the students to learn, and ensure all materials, tools and instructional components build towards the end goal. By designing learning objectives based on the larger goal, you create a vision for success and a clear roadmap for the instructional experience.
Since learning objectives should be student-centered, they may change based on your audience and desired outcomes. What do you want your audience to be able to do or understand at the end of the instruction? In order to clarify this, you have to first choose the cognitive level appropriate for the goal (knowledge, comprehension, etc.). In this learning path, we are going to utilize Bloom's taxonomy to determine the appropriate cognitive level.
Next, you choose the action verb associated with your chosen cognitive level, most commonly based on Bloom's taxonomy, in order to produce a learning objective. Learning objectives should be concise, measurable, and specific so the learner and the instructor are clear about the intended outcome of the instructional experience. "Example: Learner will be able to...." This provides a clear direction for the learner and instructor.