If your job requires you to plan or direct activities in coordination with other department managers, it is important to use proper communication and effective collaboration. You want to ensure that you are on the same page so that your project or initiative goes off without a hitch. This means holding yourself and others accountable for a solid professional relationship.
This path provides you with relevant articles and videos to help you plan or direct activities that require coordination with other department managers.

How to Meaningfully Collaborate with Other Departments
Clear and direct communication are critical components of effective collaboration. The activities included share best practices to hone your collaboration skills for continued team success.
Play nice! Sometimes it may be difficult to get along with your coworkers or get everyone on your team on the same page. However, it is imperative that you learn to coordinate with your team even if things have gone awry.
Understanding your communication style and the communication style of your coworkers will help you all to function better as one. The activities included below will teach you proven techniques and strategies to improve communication in the workplace.
Visit Dr. Amy’s website and YouTube channel for additional resources!