Spreadsheets & Databases are powerful tools that can simplify processes and assist teams in being more efficient. There isn't a single industry that does not need to effectively organize its data, ranging from software companies to schools. This learning path will briefly review the basics of creating a spreadsheet, discuss the basics of a database, and conclude by introducing you to objects and concepts within Excel and Access so you can organize the data in your chosen tool. For the most part, the terms 'spreadsheet' is used when discussing Excel, and 'database' is used when discussing Access.

Data Management
These activities will assist you in understanding how to set up a basic Excel spreadsheet. Once you master the key elements of a spreadsheet, you will be able to better manage the data to provide more information for future use. The first activity below is a video demonstrating exactly how to create your Excel spreadsheet. The second activity is an online mini 'How-to' manual that walks you through the process as well. Once you create your excel spreadsheets, continue to practice with different data so you can become proficient.
These activities define the general elements of a database as well as uses for them in various work environments. You will also lean how to build a basic database in Access.
By now you understand how to enter data into your chosen program. These activities will further your skills by introducing basic formulas and ways to organize your cells. For the first Excel activity you will begin to build and add labels, values and formulas. To help you build your Access database skills, the activities also include an explanation of tables, queries, forms, and reports. By adding these to your spreadsheets or databases, they can begin to transform into a more robust tool for later use. The final activity within this learning path will also preview 'relational databases'.