Being successful at work is incumbent on learning new things. But there are so many new things to learn! How do we as individuals learn as fast as we need to and, more importantly, actually retain that information? This path includes hacks to help your brain learn better, tips on how to stay engaged during training opportunities, and fascinating research on neuroscience, as well as recommended resources for extending your learning.

Learning Better, Faster
Have you ever wondered how our brains process information? Or how we can learn better and faster? These resources will help you understand exactly what happens when we learn something new and how to hack our brains to retain information better.
In this section you'll find two articles: one debunking the old myth of learning styles and one that shares four ways you can learn more effectively.
One of the challenges with learning is staying engaged when there are so many other things going on. So, stop multitasking, and read these articles about making the most of your learning time.
Learning agility is the ability and willingness to learn from experience and then apply that learning to perform successfully in new situations.
Extend your learning about learning with these resources.