Soul=the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal Entrepreneurship= The activity of setting up a business.

Soul Entrepreneurship
Explore self-care and wellness through Rabbi Hirsch's teachings and recommended resources.
Judaism Discovered 'Wellness' Long Before It Was Trendy
Putting the 'om' into shalom
To fast or not to fast
Wisdom 2 Go - Part 2: Words Matter with Rabbi Sherre Hirsch
Why Apple's Tim Cook doesn't want his nephew to use social networks
A Positive Prescription - Hit the Re-Set Button and Find Wellness
CHECKING IN : hospitality-driven thinking, business, and you. (Book, 2018) []
"For those of you that are in a room - enjoy it. For you, that are in a hallway, I tell you please have faith. The hallway is meant to teach you, that who you are, is how your respond."
Learn more from Rabbi Hirsch through her work and writings.