How would your business grow if you could become smarter overnight?
What would the impact be if you could tap into more parts of your brain to increase innovation, creativity, emotional engagement, vision, feelings of safety, belonging, and mattering?
And what would the impact be if you could guide your entire company to this state too?
Today’s leaders need to be more connected to a deeper ability to communicate & influence others to cause higher levels of accountability and productivity on their teams. The new brain-based model of leadership takes into account both the dynamics of teams and the individual leader in a company. Through interactive exercises each participant will be able to actually experience a shift in their relationship to knowing where leadership is “out”, and how to put it back “in” in a new way. Leaders will leave with cutting edge toolkit for leadership problem diagnosis and resolution, and human performance optimization.
In this path, participants will be guided on a thought-provoking journey to where leadership is heading, while challenging each participant to consider how engaging in this future will enhance and support the rapid growth of their company.