Excel 2013 is the spreadsheet application in the Microsoft Office 2013 suite. Get help organizing and calculating data in this Excel 2013 tutorial, brought to you by the Goodwill Community Foundation (www.gcflearnfree.org).

Microsoft Excel 2013
This section includes videos to get you oriented to the basic Excel functions and interface.
Excel 2013: Getting Started
Excel 2013: Creating and Opening Workbooks
Excel 2013: Saving and Sharing Workbooks
Excel 2013: Cell Basics
Excel Quick Tip: A Faster Way to Use the Fill Handle
Excel 2013: Formatting Cells
Excel Quick Tip: Two Ways to Use the Format Painter
Excel 2013: Worksheet Basics
Excel 2013: Page Layout
Excel 2013: Printing Workbooks
Excel's formulas and functions are powerful tools to manipulate data. Learn how to use them to their fullest potential with these videos.
Large data sets can be unwieldy. Tame your numbers with these tools.
PivotTables and What-If Analysis functions can give you additional insight into your data. Learn how to use these advanced functions with these videos.