Simon Cocking
Simon Cocking is the Senior Editor at Irish Tech News, Editor-in-Chief at CryptoCoin.News, and freelancer at Sunday Business Post, Irish Times, Southern Star, IBM, G+D, and many other publications. He believes blockchain is definitely the next big revolution and it can change the way we live life.
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Is Blockchain Incompatible With GDPR? - CryptoCoin.News
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How Eternal Trusts May Guarantee Eternal Life in the Future
Business Showcase : Morpheus.Network
Update: The Impending Technical Fork In The Road For Bitcoin & Ethereum - CryptoCoin.News
ICOs This Week: eHarvestHub, Photochain and BitRewards ICO Review - CryptoCoin.News
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The Innovation Show: Raising Resilience, Emotional Resilience in a Snowflake Generation with Brooks Gibbs
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